All on 4/6 Implants

All-On-4/6 Special Pricing - Limited Time!!

Single Arch Implant Dentures $19,995Now Only $14,995!

Payments as low as $300/month with 50% down

Call (512) 215-8701 Now To Schedule A FREE Consultation


Don’t let missing teeth hold you back from living the life you truly deserve. It’s time to take control and reclaim your smile, so you can indulge in your favorite foods, socialize with ease, and show off your stunning new teeth with pride. Take the first step towards your dazzling new smile today!

What Are All on 4/6 Implants?

All-on-4/6 Implants offer a comprehensive solution for replacing either the upper or lower set of teeth. Unlike dentures, they provide a permanent and natural-looking alternative. In a traditional dental implant procedure, each missing tooth is replaced with a titanium screw anchored into the jawbone and topped with a single false tooth. However, with all-on-4/6 implants, a dental surgeon can place just four/six titanium posts in the jawbone to support an entire set of upper or lower teeth.

After the four/six implants are inserted, a full set of teeth can be secured onto them, giving you back a beautiful and functional smile. All-on-4/6 implants offer a stable and secure solution that will provide you with the confidence to eat, speak and smile without worry.

How Dental Implants are a good option?

A dental implant with a ceramic crown is the best permanent replacement for a damaged tooth and root. It looks and functions just like a natural tooth.

Pros and Cons of All-on-4/6 Implants

All-on-4/6 implants are a popular option for those looking to replace an entire set of teeth. The procedure involves the placement of only four/six titanium posts to anchor an entire upper or lower set of teeth. This results in a natural-looking smile and full functionality, without the shifting that can occur with dentures. Additionally, the cost of the procedure is generally less than it would be if a single implant were installed for each missing tooth.

However, there are some downsides to consider. Patients must have a sufficient level of available bone for the implants to be held securely in place. Furthermore, there is no opportunity to test how the teeth will look or feel prior to the procedure. It’s also worth noting that implants cannot be installed to replace molars, so an alternative procedure would be necessary in those cases.

What Is the Recovery Time for All-on-4/6 Implants?

The recovery time after having All-on-4/6 Implants installed is generally shorter than traditional implants, which can take anywhere from three to eight months to heal fully. All-on-4/6 implants tend to fuse more readily with the bone, requiring less recovery time than traditional implants. This means that most patients can expect a shorter recovery period following the procedure.

How Much Does All on 4/6 Implants Implant Cost?

The cost of having all-on-4/6 dental implants installed will vary, depending on a number of factors such as the material used in the crowns, and the number of teeth that are being replaced. When you have acrylic or composite replacement teeth installed, you can expect to pay between $20,000 and $25,000  for a full set of upper or lower teeth.

All-On-4/6 Implants: Your Guide to a Complete Smile Restoration Procedure

All-On-4/6 implant procedure involves the insertion of four/six titanium posts into the jawbone as anchors for a set of teeth. While waiting for the titanium posts to fuse with the jawbone, a temporary oral device will be provided by the dentist. After the laboratory has prepared a permanent denture and the implants have fused with the jawbone, the permanent teeth will be installed. This will restore your normal smile and enable you to chew and speak normally again. 

Lets Get You Smiling

Learn More About All-on-4/6 Implants. Call us Today!

If you have any questions at all about all-on-4/6 dental implants, please do call us today at Anderson Mill Implant Center. We’ll be glad to answer all your queries, and we can also set you up for an initial consultation where we’ll be able to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for all-on-4/6 implants.